‘The absolute being
the becoming of the reform
revered by the new norm
your new form of fiction told’

With the widespread advent of the internet, we are the first era in which everyone can create his or her own story and persona and broadcast it to the public through digital platforms. In addition, mass media and advertisements encouraging us to be better, more powerful, successful, and beautiful. The ‘cult of personality’ which was meant for the cultivated image of rulers and political leaders, has now been handed to the populace.

This detachment from reality contributes to many people’s vulnerabilities, living in his or her own fictional world, online, where everything can be erased, rewritten, and introduced. When real life takes a wrong turn from that happy image, it is hard to deal with those unsettled situations and the failure and loss many have felt. In this situation, instead of facing the issue and reality, lacking practice, courage, and hope, many turn into another illusive narration where there is an easy fix for all the problems. Many of us want to hear an affirmation from an authoritative voice that things will be okay. This can be a religious, spiritual healer or even a fortune teller. The power of the language and media, once used for our personal branding, has now been turned to propagate us to the belief of a better and more beautiful new world.

Many of us wish to be reborn, reformed, or become a new person free from any distress or inconvenience and find a new and better self among loss and crisis. But without realizing the reality and who we truly are, this rebirth only acts as a fabrication. When those we are trying to convince and manipulate are ourselves, when we are the propagandists of our own identities, then we will continue to live in this cycle of fantasy where there is no hope and no escape.

About Flux

Flux is one of Rook Floro’s alter egos. It is his ego, representing his ambition to reach the perfect version of self. Throughout the process, this causes conflict and a cycle between his perceived inferior self and the optimum one.
Flux Forever

Flux Forever
